Saturday 18 July 2015


Yesterday was my girl’s last day in school uniform.

My wonky wonder has finished Year 11 and will be returning to the Sixth Form in September. Her dad told her to burn her tie; he’s helpful like that. “No, Mum, I don’t think I want to.” My boy’s ears had pricked up: “I do!”. “No-one is burning anything,” I declared.

Later, I looked through the pile of schoolbooks and artwork she’d brought home with her. There were photos galore of her and her little band of classmates. They have wildly different needs and foibles, but they’ve needed and foibled along as a team this year, thanks to the patience and skill of their teacher and teaching assistants. 

Now, it’s time for a new chapter. And, God help us, some sort of carefully negotiated clothes rota.

Video is Inspiral Carpets - Smoking Her Clothes

1 comment:

  1. What are your daughter's goal for the Sixth Form ? What are the priorities for her adult life ?
    What is her definition of success ?

    What are her life dreams, big and small ?

    Where would she like to live when she is an adult ?

    What about the legal protection aspect (guardianship and its alternatives) ?
    Ok, I am not a specialist of UK guardianship laws (French laws can be quite different). However, a well-versed lawyer in school and uni issues is not necessarily knowledgeable about guardianship and Mental Capacity Act issues in general. Good will to help is necessary, but is not enough.
    One of PWSA trustees was a solicitor before retiring.
    If the PWSA cannot refer you to a knowledgeable lawyer in capacity to consent issues, you can contact charities who deal with intellectual disability like Mencap, or with mental illness in general like Mind or Rethink. They don't have the specific knowledge about PWS, but they can tell you about competent lawyers in the field of capacity to consent.
    However, charities specialized in conditions like ADHD, depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder are not necessarily your best best bet for this kind of advice.
    I clearly hear your wish the best for your daughter and her PWS.
    However, the general info you find on the PWSA website is not enough to make an informed decision on this aspect. Even if you were an excellent lawyer in the field of capacity to consent, you wouldn't had been in the best position for such decision without legal advice : the children' shoemaker always go barefoot.
